“Estimate may be defined as the process of calculating the quantities and cost of the various items required in connection with work”
“Estimate is prepared by calculating the quantities, from the dimensions on the drawings for the various items required to complete the project and multiplied by unit cost of the item concerned .To prepare an estimate ,drawings consisting of the plan , the elevation and the sections , along with the detailed specifications , properties and proportion of material are required.

       Estimate for a work or project is necessary mainly for the following purposes :-
a)      To ascertain the necessary amount of money required by the owner to complete the proposed work .
b)      To calculate the number of different categories of workers that are to be employed to complete the work within the scheduled time of completion.
c)      To assess the requirements of tools , plants and equipments required to complete the work according to the programme.
d)      To fix up the completion period from the volume of works involved in the estimate.
e)      To invite tenders and prepare bills for payment.

2.1.3        TYPES OF ESTIMATES:-
     There are different types of estimates and they are as follows :-
     Detailed Estimate
This includes the detailed particulars for the quantities , rates and costs of all the items involved for satisfactory completion of a project.
     Preliminary or Approximate or Rough Estimate
This is an approximate estimate to find out an approximate cost in a short time and thus enables the authority concerned to consider the financial aspect of the scheme. Such an estimate is framed after knowing the rate of similar works and  from practical knowledge in various ways for various types of works such as :
a)      Plinth area or square metre method
b)      Cube rate or cubic metre method
c)      Service unit or unit rate method
d)      Bay method
e)      Approximate quantities with bill method
f)       Cost comparison method
g)      Cost from materials and labour
2.1.4        QUANTITY ESTIMATE AND QUANTITY SURVEY:- This is a complete estimate or list of quantities for all items of work required to complete the concerned project.
2.1.5        REVISED ESTIMATE:- A revised estimate is a detailed estimate for the revised quantities and rates of items of works originally  provided in the estimate without material deviations of a structural nature from the probable variations for quantity, rate and amount for each item of work of the project.
2.1.6        SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATE:- While a work is in progress some changes or additional works due to material deviation of a structural nature from the design originally approved may be thought necessary for supplementary estimate.
2.1.7        COMPLETE ESTIMATE:- This is an estimated cost of all items which are related to the work in addition to the main contract or to the “ detailed estimate “
2.1.8        ANNUAL MAINTENANCE OR REPAIR ESTIMATE:- After completion of a work it is necessary to maintain the same for it’s proper function and for the same, an estimate is prepared for the items which require renewal , replacement etc. in the form of a detailed estimate .
2.1.9        PREPRATION OF DETAILED ESTIMATE:- The unit quantity method is  followed to prepare a detailed estimate in this method rates per unit work of the including profit are considered first and the total cost for the item is found by multiplying the cost per unit of the rate by the number of units.
   The procedure for the prepration of a detailed estimate is divided into two parts
           Details of measurement and calculations of quantities:- It is the first part  respective measurements for dimensions of all individuals items involved in the whole work are taken off from the drawing of the work.
       Table 2.1.1  Measurement Form   

Items of Work


Abstract of estimated cost:-It is the second part in the preparation of detailed estimate .
The cost of each and every individual item of work is calculated by multiplying the quantity computed in the Measurement Form with the specified rate in a tabular form known as ‘Abstract Form’.

Table 2.1.2 Abstract of Estimate Form

Description or particulars
Rs.    P.
Unit of rate
Rs.     P.

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